On the eve of Anna’s proposed indefinite fast he called upon the people of the country to come and join him in the fight against corruption. He questioned the relevance of the Independence that our freedom fighters achieved after several sacrifices, when millions in this country are still dying of starvation. He assured that if the Jan lokpal comes then 60-65 percent of corruption will be eradicated.
He said the purpose of the protest is not to bring down any govt, the system needs to be changed not the govt. He said if he is not allowed to protest and is arrested, the countrymen should be ready for ‘Jail Bharo’. He appealed the people to come out on the streets and protest peacefully and not to resort to any sort of violence, not cause inconvenience to public or damage public or private property.
He said the common man is suffering from rising food prices because of black marketing and hoarding and the government is still not listening to common man’s voice. He said national natural resources are being exploited and the money is going to capitalists. Farmers’ lands are being snatched from and is going to brokers and builders, isn’t it corruption?
Anna said lot of students are coming out in support of Jan Lokpal because they are also suffering because of corruption. People with money manage to secure seats in collges while deserving students do not get admission. He said it is the young generation’s support that gives him hope that the corrupt system will change. He expressed confidence that Jan Lokpal will be a reality and he is ready to forsake his life for the country.
Meanwhile, in a clear violation of our constitutional right to peacefully protest, the government has denied Anna Hazare the permission to hold indefinite fast at JP Park, which initially was proposed by Delhi Police itself.
The reason which the Delhi Police has cited to allow us to protest at Jay Prakash Narayan Park is not accepting 6 unconstitutional conditions they have put in the 22 point undertaking. Delhi police was given an undertaking on all the lawful provisions they had sought. Out of the 22, undertaking was given on 16 provisions. We mention below the 6 provisions which we refused to accept and why:
- a guarantee that not more than 50 vehicles will be parked. while parking area can accommodate many more vehicles.
- that not more than 5000 people will gather although the capacity of the park is in excess of 20,000.
- the protest will be for only three days, while we have sought indefinite.
- there will be no tent or protection for the assembly of people, this will make it extremely uncomfortable for the public, should there be rainfall or other severe weather conditions, that wish to join the protest
- that a government doctor will examine Anna to decide whether he is in danger and needs to be taken away. We want an independent doctor to continuously examine Anna, as was done during the fast in April.
- That there will be no loudspeaker or amplified audio facilities. This would put a large crowd in danger, as no instructions can be given to maintain order in case too many people gather.
We reject these conditions as they are a clear violation of our fundamental rights.
One more reason they cited was that we do not have the permission from the land owning agency, while when they agreed upon the venue the Police itself had assured us that they will help us getting the permission from CPWD.
Anna said the fast will go on as planned and that if he is stopped from holding a peaceful protest at the venue he will court arrest.
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