Thursday, October 8, 2009

Endanger-speices threatened by fraudulent clearances.


The Rs 230-lakh Project Tiger was a union Government and the world wildlife fund joint Endeavour in 1973, to check immediate threat to the nation animal. “It registered a marked increase is most animal population in the first decade”. (India Today , Dec 1983), with 1,550 sq km under its canopy, including 15 sanctuaries & nation parks, the project cordoned off a third of this land for conservation activities and demarcated the rest as a buffer area, relocating the villages around.

Hoolock Gibbon

Creative Commons License
Endanger-speices threatened by fraudulent clearanc by Shariq H Naqvi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.

India’s only ape may not live another day as its forests in the North-east, part of a global- biodiversity hotspot, will be flooded thanks to shoddy.

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